Facilitation & Training

Building your internal capacity is a key piece of Openfield’s offerings.
We have a suite of curricula and stand-alone courses that can target and elevate key skillsets in your organization, or take your staff through a comprehensive capacity building program.

Learning Program Highlights

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety as an organizational construct isn’t new. The changing nature of work – particularly knowledge work – and the increasing move to remote work is bringing the concept to the forefront. Creating psychological safety is critical to success as organizations become more geographically dispersed and seek out new ways to motivate and retain employees, increase productivity, and promote an inclusive culture.

Emerging Leaders

The role of emerging leaders is more crucial than ever as organizations navigate the complexities of modern work environments. As businesses evolve and adapt, nurturing the next generation of leaders is key to driving success. Our Emerging Leaders program focuses on equipping future leaders with the skills needed to excel in dynamic settings, foster innovation, and build cohesive teams, ensuring they are ready to meet the challenges of today’s fast-paced, ever-changing workplace.

Guiding Constant Change

"Business as usual" is a state of constant change. The continuous evolution of technology, market shifts, and global dynamics ensures that change is not just a periodic event but an ongoing reality. Mastering the art of guiding this continuous transformation is crucial for organizations striving to remain agile and competitive. As businesses navigate these ever-shifting landscapes, developing effective strategies for managing change becomes essential for fostering resilience, driving innovation, and sustaining long-term success.