Psychological Safety

Psychological safety as an organizational construct isn’t new. The changing nature of work – particularly knowledge work – and the increasing move to remote work is bringing the concept to the forefront. Creating psychological safety is critical to success as organizations become more geographically dispersed and seek out new ways to motivate and retain employees, increase productivity, and promote an inclusive culture.

Foundations Course

This course will introduce you to Psychological Safety and help you practice simple tools to build Psychological Safety in the workplace. This course is designed as an intensive that will create a safe space for you to explore how you contribute to Psychological Safety in the workplace and give you practical tools to bring back to your team.

  • As a participant in this course, you will:

    • Understand the components of Psychological Safety and how it relates to organizational success.

    • Understand Psychological Safety concepts.

    • Be able to practice tools in your environment to increase Psychological Safety at work.

  • This course will provide an overview of Psychological Safety. You will learn about Psychological Safety concepts and practice using four tools:

    • Active Listening

    • Awareness Wheel

    • Ladder of Inference

    • Conflict Conversations

  • During this course you will be encouraged to journal, reflect, and work in groups to practice tangible strategies that you can bring back to the workplace. At the end of the course, participants have a nuanced understanding of the different aspects of Psychological Safety and the language to lead discussions with colleagues and staff to improve workplace performance through building trust, encouraging all voices to participate, and supporting staff to do their best work.

  • This is a full-day course


Following your Foundations Course, this masterclass will deepen your understanding and application of advanced strategies for cultivating a thriving and psychologically safe work environment. This course is crafted to enhance your ability to lead by example, address emerging challenges, and foster an inclusive culture where everyone can excel.

  • As a participant in this course, you will:

    • Build on the foundations of workplace psychological safety.

    • Dive deeper into personal bias, relationship dynamics, and the art of questioning.

    • Practice dialogic tools for speaking to and understanding advanced psychological safety concepts.

  • This course will deepen and build upon the foundational skills of Psychological Safety, and what you have learned in practicing your skills since then. We will work with self-focused and interaction-focused Psychological Safety tools:

    • Psychological Safety and Neuroscience

    • Unpacking Biases

    • Art of Questioning

    • Relationship Triangles

  • During this course you will again be encouraged to journal, reflect, and work in groups to deepen your roots in Psychological Safety. At the end of the course, participants have a nuanced understanding of the different aspects of Psychological Safety and the language to lead discussions with colleagues and staff to improve workplace performance through building trust, encouraging all voices to participate, and supporting staff to do their best work.

  • This is a full-day course