Consulting Services

Openfield’s consulting services work hand in hand with our facilitation and trainings to meet organizations where they are at, co-design strategy, empower positive change, and journey alongside you.

Whether you’re growing your business, adapting to organizational changes, improving your company culture, or looking for grounded and multi-disciplinary facilitation services - we’re here for you.

  • Our multi-disciplinary team are experienced change managers and leaders. We will work with you to guide your team and organization through the complexity of systemic change.

    The Openfield team is trained and able to use many change management approaches to meet your organization’s needs. We have an established Change Platform model that encompasses the dynamism and complexity of systemic organizational change.

  • Systemic change requires organizational change. Our consultants have experience designing organizational structures and processes from the inside out. We will listen thoughtfully and work with your team to align your organization to your business needs.

    The Openfield team can support you and your community by designing new organizational structures, co-designing job descriptions, and supporting recruitment and employee management. At Openfield we are committed to designing change that builds staff engagement at every stage.

  • We have developed three highly rated learning programs to build change readiness and the skills to succeed as a modern digital organization. We can offer targeted training or provide a comprehensive capacity building program for your team.

    The courses that Openfield offers are rooted in building capacity for people and teams to work effectively together. There are options for building specific skills and competencies as well as more discursive courses that allow you and your team to reflect on your workplace and learn together.

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  • Digital transformation requires a new set of capabilities and capacity in your organization. We have experience in guiding organizations through the transformation process. We can work with you to develop a plan that suits your needs to realize your goals.

    One of the misconceptions of building a digital organization is that you start with technology. Our team of multi-disciplinary practitioners know from experience that it starts with people. We will be your partner and walk beside you while your organization evolves.

  • Change is constant, complex, and dynamic. Our coaching services provide an enhanced level of support through personal and professional changes. Our aim is to help you uncover your options and develop a game plan to make your vision a reality.

    If you know you want to make a change but are unsure what that looks like, we can work with you to enable you to explore your motivations and the opportunities that may already be right in front of you.

  • Our multi-disciplinary team is experienced using a spectrum of facilitation approaches and tools. We will work with you to understand your goals and deliver workshops and meetings that move your organization forward and support effective strategy development and decision-making.

    At Openfield we always have an eye on your overarching goals and incorporate a long-term orientation into all engagements big and small. Our approach to facilitation is rooted in our values and focuses on collaborative and joint work.

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