The Change Platform

The Change Platform progresses the concept of conventional change management through the principle that change is a dynamic and evolving journey which, when systemic in nature, necessitates both free will and consent for a shift to occur. An organic and iterative approach must be applied to affect systemic transformation. As a result, the Change Platform model focuses on the change levers (strategic navigation, relationships, narrative regeneration, operational navigation, body of knowledge and physical and digital environment) available to organizations, and is accompanied by a guiding change methodology to enable organizations and people to effectively navigate a change journey. As an intended result, the emerging actions will be iterative, adaptive and flexible to succeed at delivering a lasting impact.

Core Components

  • Beginning the journey by defining the reason - the why - for change is critical in establishing the foundations for change. This is done in context of global and local systemic events, trends, and market conditions which cause shifts in the system or business environment.

  • To begin a systemic change, a lever is selected because it is already in motion or because it is the easiest to start based upon the culture of the organization.

  • The impact is the change the organization is seeking to achieve. Defining the intended impact is a critical step in the change journey that shares the vision of where the work is headed. Impact is created in the experimentation zone.

    Generating impact often begins with one of the six levers, then invites more levers over time until the experimentation zone becomes the organization's way of working. Impact spans new and old ways of working and creates space for experience through interaction.